Zanzibar Wildlife is a project to celebrate, share and discover Wild Zanzibar.

Our islands are home to a spectacular and accessible wealth of wildlife that is (until now) overlooked.

For the love of wildlife

Sharing our passion  for Zanzibar’s wonderful wildlife

We are passionate about wildlife – and created Zanzibar Wildlife to showcase and celebrate Zanzibar’s incredible and under-appreciated wild species, habitats and hotspots.

Sadly, even as we write about them, many of our favourite wildlife hotspots are being stripped and paved over in the name of “development”. It has never been more urgent to tell nature’s stories – what we have, why it matters and how we must protect it – before it’s too late.

Call to action

Rapidly expanding tourism, urban sprawl and lack of awareness of our ecological wealth place Zanzibar’s vulnerable wildlife habitat and the remarkable plants and animals that depend on it at critical risk. We hope to open your eyes to the natural wonders on our doorstep, to help safeguard the incredible wildlife we are blessed with for future generations. We also share easy ways you can be part of the solution.

Our Green Company

We established Our Green Company (O G C Ltd) to be a consultancy with a difference. We offer our expertise to develop capacity in all things green and sustainable, from wildlife awareness to agro-ecological landscape regeneration to sustainable tourism and business management. We are here to advise and support you in learning about our wildlife, managing your land, farm or other property ecologically to safeguard natural resources, and managing your business in a sustainable way: for the triple bottom line – environment, livelihoods and sustainable growth.

“We all need nature, whether we know it or not.”

– Nell Hamilton, founder of www.ZanzibarWildlife.com